Allow us to introduce ourselves ...
Just as diverse as the system solutions from LogicLine are the personalities who develop and produce these sustainable products and support customers in finding the best choice for their application. The shared objective: to use high-quality transport solutions to bring even more efficiency and safety to the everyday work of customers from across a wide range of industries.
Mag. Peter Knor
Managing Director
Marketing & IT
Mag. Alexander Knor
Marketing & Sales Operations Manager
Meikel Muschalik, BPr
Sales IT & Projects Manager
Márton Simon, BSc
Junior IT Application Manager
Barbara Halm, MSc
Digital Marketing Manager
Linda Miletich, BA
Design & Content
Patrizia Perschon, BA
Design & Content
Alwin Koch
Sales Manager North, West, Central, East & South Germany
Roland Silberbauer
Sales Manager Austria, Switzerland & South-West Germany
Carsten Kränert
Area Sales Manager
South-West Germany
South-West Germany
Christian Janke
Area Sales Manager
East Germany
East Germany
Christian Strathmann
Area Sales Manager
North Germany
North Germany
Tim Bienas
Area Sales Manager
North-West Germany
North-West Germany
Maik Faßhauer
Area Sales Manager
Bavaria, Germany
Bavaria, Germany
Oliver Neuhold
Area Sales Manager
South-East Austria
South-East Austria
Andreas Goldbach
Area Sales Manager
Central-West Germany
Central-West Germany
Agnes Harter
Customer Service
Pamela Bauer
Customer Service
Rebeka Maszlov
Customer Service
Adam Oroszvari, BA
Customer Service
Melinda Kocsis
Customer Service
Markus Frühwirth
Customer Service
Csaba Balogh
Customer Service
Markus Wohlmuth
Customer Service
Brigitta Bártfay, BA
Trade Fairs and Organisation
Alisa Ehrenhöfer
Trade Fairs and Organisation
Nadine Seidl
Customer Service
Engineering & Production
Ing. Philipp Berger
Commercial Managing Director,
Head of Engineering,
Quality Manager
Head of Engineering,
Quality Manager
Andreas Laffer
Production Manager
Ing. Christian Trummer
Procurement, Purchasing
Andreas Piller
Prefabrication Manager
Michael Trummer
Engineering, Process Management
Ing. Daniel Eidler
Engineering, Logistics
Lukas Plöderer
Mirela Salihovic